GREINPLAST RK – natual aggregate for creating decorative and utility compositions.
Natural aggregate of diversified granulation and various colour schemes. Resistant to weather conditions and abrasion. Used as a component in blends for shaping the elements of landscape architecture and for performing decorative-utility floors. A systemic product for Greinplast RSK.
It serves as a foundation for performing utility-decorative floors, elements of landscape architecture, and other elements which improve the attractive design within the buildings and their surroundings. It can be used on terraces, balconies, staircases, or sidewalks, footpaths, and others.

Preparing the surface:
CAUTION: Take special care to ensure that the prepared surface of a Greinplast I1K hydroisolation be completely bound and dried up (dampness of the surface may not exceed 5%).
Application: After having completed performing the floors as well as other decorative elements, the aggregate needs to be mixed with a Greinplast RSU -01 polyurethane binder, in an appropriate proportion of weight. Apply the prepared mixture on a freshly primed Greinplast I1K hydroisolation surface., with a Greinplast RGU -01 contact primer. Perform the works with a “wet to wet method” (apply the mixture on a fresh, non bound layer of the priming). Mix the aggregate with the binder in an appropriate proportion of weight (the specific information are enclosed in the RSU -01 Data Sheet). Mix it all, with the use of a slow-speed mixer , until it becomes homogenous, i.e. after 2-3 minutes. Then, put the whole mixture in an empty container and mix again for a short period of time. Prepare as much of the material, as can be used in about 1 hour. Then, spread the mixture on a surface, reaching the demanded thickness. Even it out with a stainless steel trowel. The thickness of the layer should be equivalent to at least 1,5-2 times the thickness of the aggregate grain used.
CAUTION: To even out the performed surface correctly, during the works the tools need to be constantly rinsed with a xylene-based preparation. Wash the tools directly after the finishing works have ben terminated. Should a tool dry up, only a mechanical removal is possible.
The production date, the assortment, and the batch number are placed on the container. Store in a dry, cool place, protect from dampness.
The ambient and surface temperature during performing the works should be between +10°C and +25°C. The optimal temperature during the application: +20°C. Should you observe the layer to develop hard spots, to foam, or become opaque, the works need to be stopped and the seasoning needs to be extended, until the surface has dried up. The aggregate used for the works should be dry, before it becomes mixed with the primer. If it is moist/wet, it needs to become dry. In the case of performing the works on large surfaces, using one colour of the aggregate, ensure that a product from one production lot be used. Due to the natural origin of the aggregate, slight differences in colour within the respective lots are admissible. Ambient temperature influences the process of setting. Should the temperatures become lower, the process is visibly slower. Overdosing the binder in the configuration, as well as too strong of an insolation of the setting coating, may result in the occurrence of defects, such as – holes, foaming, craters, fractures and worsening of mechanical parameters of the floor. The product may not be applied at direct insolation, rainfall, high humidity (for instance fog, dew). Avoid performing the works at dynamic, significant alterations of temperature and ambient humidity. The works need to be planned in such a manner, to ensure performing the surfaces in favourable weather conditions. After the works have been concluded, secure the surface from impurities, direct insolation, water and dampness (rain,fog, etc.). The surface should remain secured until the binder becomes set (8-12 hrs). Should the precautions stated above not be applied, a durable damage of the performed surface may occur. Surfaces endangered to being polluted with a primer or binder, need to be secured, and in case of any stains, remove before they have dried up.
The information in this manual aims to provide an optimal use of the product, is not however a basis for any legal responsibility of the Manufacturer, as the conditions of use remain beyond the Manufacturer’s control. Any interference in the composition of the product is inadmissible and might significantly reduce its quality. In the case of coming in contact with products of other Manufacturers, we are not to be held responsible.
RWT Sp. z o.o.
ul. Parkowa 1/6
39-100 Ropczyce
+48 882 559 953
+48 882 559 951
+47 486 33 800
Org. nr. PL 818-171-99-79